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Friday 18 July 2014

Apple Launching iWatch and its Variants this October

All of the Apple lovers should scan out the approaching data as several rumors  for Apple iwatch are bring heard these days. Apple is working hard on its final launching plans to unleash its new product Apple iWatch within the span of the upcoming few months. The iWatch is going to be out in the market for its users with 2 variants.  The first a 7 inches and the second a 3inch screen. The smart iWatch are going to be out there and will be available for both the genders i.e Men and Women. The iWatch having smaller screen size are going to be out there for ladies with vivacious colors and variations.
The wearable Apple iWatch can be launched with a OLED show. The OLED show, will be having a 320 x 320 pixels resolution and will definitely give a good vision to its users. It's detected from supply that iWatch can have a versatile show to vie with its different massive whole sensible watches like Motorola, Samsung, LG etc. Samsung the whole in technology conjointly is functioning on versatile show sensible watch and it'll also launch within the few months. The Apple iWatch is possible to be available in the markets in the beginning of September or within the starting of the Oct 2014. In spite of the Apple, within the technology market Samsung Galaxy Gear, Motorola Moto 360 and SonySmart Watches will be seen until the top of this year. Apple Inc. employee has recently hired a Nike Key Designer to incorporate a colorful and sporty look its iWatch .

 The photographs for Apple iWatch appear to a small degree magnificently fascinating at the instant on the net portal. As per the photographs Apple iWatch appears thus elegant and colorful whether or not it goes on men or if we have a tendency to cite girls. So Apple iWatch is going to be thus spectacular and sensible in appearance. The people surely need to wait to a small degree for the Apple iWatch to be launched within the Indian Markets. However the price and the exact specifications don't seem to be nevertheless properly disclosed yet. Indeed like many other products of Apple iWatch will also win the hearts of many technology lovers.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Google's Project Zero Cybersecurity

Google is lighting a fireplace underneath package vendors to induce them to require their bug-fixing responsibilities seriously. Project Zero can find flaws, report them to vendors, post them on-line, wherever any UN agency cares will watch the clock tick till a patch is delivered. Folks ought to be ready to use the net without concern of cybercriminals, says Google. Google on Tues proclaimed Project Zero, a shot to hurry up the protection bug-fixing method. A team of cybersecurity specialists can follow vulnerabilities in any and every one package, advice the vendors, then file bug reports in exceedingly public information so users will track the provision of patches. The Project Zero team has secure to send bug reports to vendors in as near time period as potential, and to figure with them to induce fixes to users in an exceedingly cheap time.

The announcement can shake up package vendors, UN agency don't seem to be noted for mend vulnerabilities rapidly; for instance, Snapchat for months neglected a security vulnerability brought to its attention and denied information of the flaw once the hacker revealed details on the net.
Cybersecurity vendors conjointly are flustered.
Shake, Rattle and Roll

Security vendors square measure forever making an attempt to enhance their merchandise, however "the biggest advantage Google has is that it is the largest program supplier within the world, and therefore the most typical vector of attack is thru the net browser," Pirc distinguished.
The move "will place pressure on vendors to mend their merchandise, as over time we are going to all regress from vendors that do not fix their bugs quickly," as per Pierluigi Frank Stella, CTO of Network Box USA.Project Zero's Aims

Google aims to rent "the best much minded security researchers to focus exclusively on rising security across the net," aforesaid man of science Herder Chris Evans.
The team can use customary approaches like locating and news massive numbers of susceptibilities. Everybody must be ready to use the internet without the fear that a state-sponsored criminal is or will be exploiting package errors and bugs to infect your personal computers, steal secrets or monitor your communications.

"My browse of the announcement is that Google's security team took the National Security Agency police investigation revelations disclosed over the past year in person," said Kyle Kennedy, CTO of Stealthbits Technologies. This can be why it's hiring researchers to specialize in "dangerous vulnerabilities that may be exploited through certain intelligence agencies including certain state-sponsored attackers."
Reinvention of the Wheel
Projects with similar goals embody Mitre's CVE structure, whereas Microsoft and Yahoo have their own bug bounty programs, Ken Bechtel, told malware analyst at sensible Network Security.
Further, cybersecurity companies already square measure sharing incidents, exploits and bugs, and plenty of vendors have gotten additional proactive in news vulnerabilities.
Despite the variability of security business initiatives, Project Zero "should facilitate drive security best practices and awareness through the IT provide chain," said, the director of accomplished services at the famous Foreground Security, Saint George Baker. "It is not only a matter of business readymade suite obtaining additional attention; the matter includes the open supply technologies that we tend to all rely upon."

The Other facet of Security
On the opposite hand, mend vulnerabilities and implementing them, "no matter however visible through the efforts of the likes of Google, takes time and energy and doesn't truly defend sensitive knowledge assets from advanced threats," Mark Bower, VP of product management and solutions design at Voltage Security.
Endless mend "is pricy, disruptive, and easily Associate in Nursing race against more and more refined adversaries exploiting unrevealed weaknesses and social engineering," Bower aforesaid, adding that a defense in-depth strategy is needed.

Tuesday 15 July 2014

Top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year

Drone Technology

On top of the list of the 10 best technological innovations of the year is the drone technology. Imagine your life having a drone to deliver whatever you wanted to your house or any other location, simply by flying there. Indeed this concept is dream-like, as if it could never really occur. Drones have been created to fly around the world and carry various consignments with them.
Advanced 3D Printers 

3D printing is truly one of the utmost and most artistic technological innovations of the year 2013 and has managed to make it’s standing on the technological scene. The latest 3D printing allows one to create whatever they want using this advanced 3D printing software. With this it is on 2nd rank in our list of the top 10 amazing technological advancements of the year.
Flying Cars 

What appears as a joke apparently is not one in reality. The invention of flying cars has been verified and tested in the entire previous year but has not yet been released in the market. This invention can lead to a revolution in the technological transportation and occupies the 3rd position in our list of top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year.
Competent Voice Recognition 

Fourth place in our list of the top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year has been occupied by voice recognition. Yes, it is indeed arguable that voice recognition has been around even before the year 2013, however the progress of programs such as Siri which is widely used in apple’s iphone and other products has visibly defined voice recognition.
Lab-Grown Food  

Yes, this is not unreal, the technology which we all used to see in different sci-fi movies has become a reality, and 5th on our list of the top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year is lab made food. This food in the image above was produced in a lab, and is completely edible as well. This was a enormous technological advancement of 2013.
 Virtual Reality

6th position in the list of top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year goes to an amazing innovation called the Oculus Rift or virtual reality. This innovation has rightfully earned its place due to the amazing possibilities especially in gaming communities.
Wearable Technology

7th on the list of top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year is the unique concept of wearable technology, bringing specifically to light Google Glasses. This was truly a breakthrough in the year 2013 and it has changed world’s understanding of these technological capabilities.
Enormously High Definition

The 8th rank goes to what most of us would take for granted, yes, it is HD TV. Ok, now we are not talking about the old and usual 1080p that most viewers must be used to watching at, we are talking about enormously high definition screens.
Hard Drives Filled With Helium

Coming 9th in our list of the top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year are the hard drives which are helium filled. These helium filled hard drives allow immense storage at the expenditure of no extra space.

The Bionic Eye 

The outstanding Bionic Eye occupies the 10th and last position in the list of the top 10 amazing technological innovations of the year. This ground-breaking and innovative invention hopes to assist the eye pretty much the way a hearing aid helps the ear.

Sunday 13 July 2014

Facebook has hurt Axelle Despiegelaere's standing

Axelle Despiegelaere a football fan which has recently been plucked from the audience of the World Cup was handed a modelling agreement by L’Oréal and got 2m views on YouTube within a couple of days but all of that has been taken away from her after photos of hunting big game in Africa emerged on Facebook. It is time that people learn that social media is a big bite back.
When the 17 year old girl went to support her innate Belgium team at the World Cup she definitely wouldn’t have been expecting it to lead her to a job offer. But an unfortunate photo of her went viral on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Axelle was labelled as the most beautiful fan in the Brazil World cup tournament, and the famous brand L'Oreal came bashing with offering her a modelling contract.
The World Cup is not even over yet and the company has already shot a video where this young girl Axelle is quenched in its products. The video has been uploaded to YouTube and has received more than two million hits. This is the speed at which the internet marketing works now days. But indeed the flame which burns twice as bright lasts only half as long. Axelle's inexperienced modelling career is finished already, after seeing the images of her posturing next to African Savannah’s dead animals with a hunting rifle along with a smile which was as big as what she wore at the football tournament.
The 17 year old tried to defend her actions, by posting on her social account that Hunting is not a matter of life or of death. It has a value much more than that.
After all this L’Oréal Belgium has not declared openly that it has dropped her because of those pictures, but the company said that it had simply "collaborated with her on an unplanned basis to create a video simply for social media usage in Belgium and the contract has now been finished.”
report from Microsoft of the year 2010 said that social media locks and verifications were now as important in the process of job selection as an interview or CV. Approximately 70 per cent of Human Resource managers of the top 100 companies in the Germany, France, US, UK told that they had overruled many candidates because of their bad online behavior. Protecting your account online offers only little protection.  A recent research shows that an average 22 year old Briton has more than 1,000 Fb friends. The question is that do they really know, have met and trust all those so called friends? And it is indeed true that disconcerting content has an unlucky habit of going viral, regardless of obstacles which are put in the way.
This latest social media study shows that many teenagers still have not learned the lesson that their online behavior puts an everlasting shadow which can have some serious consequences. Or it simply shows that some morally dead people do not see anything bad or wrong in using a technological gain to trail and kill animals just for fun.

Thursday 10 July 2014

IBM invests $3 billion into post silicon computer technology and 7nm chip research

IBM has proclaimed that it’s tilling $3 billion into 2 R&D programs that may hopefully create it the authority on 7-nanometer-and-beyond chip technologies. One R&D project can consider pushing standard Si chips as way as they're about to go around 7nm, and are searching for ways to take them even further in quantum computing, carbon nanotubes, grapheme and III-V. IBM additionally took the chance to inform everybody that it’s already the largest player in 7nm-and-beyond technology, with over five hundred applicable patents (more than double the closest competitor).whereas most major chip manufacturers (Intel, TSMC, GloFo, IBM) appear assured that they will take commonplace Si CMOS chips right down to 10nm, they're somewhat bit nervous concerning the prospect of 7nm and on the far side. At around 7nm, the present building blocks of Si transistors simply won’t behave within the same way and once the gate is just a couple of atoms across then classical physics goes out of the door and physics takes over. However, totally different semiconductor unit styles (such as 3D) enable U.S. to require Si somewhat additional, the laws of physics can eventually catch up.
The IBM 
analysis 3D chip stack concept’s alternate approaches like this, instead of brute-forcing smaller transistors, that square measure the possible way forward for pc.
To reach 7nm and on the far side, IBM analysis is taking a pincer approach. First, it'll take serious effort to truly get Si right down to 7nm and to significantly, develop processes that may create 14nm, 10nm, and 7nm chips economically.  

However, the second approach is without a doubt quite exciting, instead of pushing Si indefinitely, this second research can consider different materials and techniques which may simply take us to 7nm and on the far side. Materials like III-V semiconductors notably metallic element chemical compound, GaAs have around ten times the lepton quality of Si, providing smaller transistors with a lot of higher performance and lower power consumption. Likewise, IBM is trying into graphene and carbon nanotubes, each of that have unbelievably high lepton quality and may (theoretically) be designed into terribly little structures. IBM has already created a fullerene semiconductor unit with a 10nm channel that showed no sign of performance degradation thanks to its diminutive size (CNTs square measure simply single layers of carbon/graphene rolled up into a tube, and are thus extremely small).

But on the far side higher materials and therefore the ever-shrinking semiconductor unit, IBM is additionally trying into totally different ways of computation entirely, like neuromorphic computing (brain-like chips), quantum computing, and Si photonics/optoelectronics (optical school designed into electronic chips). These ways won’t essentially offer additional gigacycle per second or consume less power, however they might supply wildly additional capable pcs that may method way more knowledge than a traditional computer within the same quantity of your time. Finally, it’s necessary to notice that IBM is already acting on all of those technologies, and in several cases has been for years. The announcement of an extra $3 billion in expenditure is exciting, however IBM already spends roughly $6 billion p.a. on R&D, and corporations like Intel, Samsung, HP, Microsoft, and Google  all around that mark.